ksp planet textures. This is a continuation of my mod Realistic Remodel. ksp planet textures

 This is a continuation of my mod Realistic Remodelksp planet textures <b>4v:1 sthgiLnoitaivA( sthgiL noitaivA )21</b>

Floating. BuckFiden420 • 2 yr. Map textures are what the planet looks like. I can only find cloud and Aurora textures, which space engine does automatically. 4. The texture will now be in your export folder. 1. Removing this should really improve your FPS Edited March 27, 2022 by GameslinxKSP Community Fixes. 3. Chibbity Dec 21, 2017 @ 8:18am. 31. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. Fixes. You can now update to Parallax 2. 2. I havent played since 1. the same bug that i usually experience and if it can still helps but i found some solutions for flickering problems in KSP. But I can't find any actual infos. 0). #1. 2 the core command you're looking for is Filters -> Render -> Clouds -> Solid Noise. 12 matches 1. 1) Pood's Milky Way Skybox (PoodsMilkyWaySkybox v. dds, gravel. Version 3. I'm failing to get new planet textures to show up in KSP1. That is assuming they didn't increase the actual vertex count / terrain detail levels. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. 9. MODEL {model = [location of the model you intent to paint] texture = [your paint job]. It is developed to work best along side Stock Visual Enhancements. 最近新安装了RSS也就是真实太阳系mod,给我最大的感觉就是入轨变得更难了;发射场也不再是位于赤道所以原版KSP里面的那种方法可能不再适用;低轨道通信会出现断开(因为不再是一个接一个的接力链接以保持通讯,所以可能有时候无法操控无人航天器)。这期专栏是分享我的(1. Download. 5. ive tried lots of things, ive deleted my config file, ive messed around with all the settings, nothing works. increased city texture visibility and changed texture for better outline; updated to newest scatterer 0. 0, so you won't see if you have KSP 1. There are however quite a few mods that have been updated to the 1. Updated for KSP 1. "term in quotes" For terms with spaces-term: Exclude mods matching term, which can be a word or another advanced term: user:[author] For mods by [author] ver:[version] For mods compatible with [version], can be either the full version number or a partial prefix, e. If that doesn't work, it might be a read-write issue. cs) Replaced the ConfigLoader with a ConfigSaver that can export dumps of the planet in a Kopernicus compatible format Added an option to completely remove a PQSMod. Nov 25, 2019. Kerbin and Laythe are still screwed up, but in a different way than before. - Turned off reflections completelyOh thanks!!! it worked by getting the GPP_secondary inside the gamedata file into my game data folder. I made some renders with 3DS Max (each major planet/moon with its respected radius) all in Full HD format (1920x1080) : Moho, Eve, Kerbin, Mun, Duna, Dres, Tylo, Vall, Laythe, Jool and Eeloo (the only one I have not placed in front of Jool) Kerbin and Mun. Welcome to r/VictoriaBC! This subreddit is for residents of Victoria, BC, Canada and the Capital…The green sleep bed is one of the best purchases I've ever made. Pretty Pictures and VideosKSP Real life planet textures KSP Real life planet textures. 0. The planet gets its. 0. KSP Wheel. assets files. Chatterer. Minecraft. 7. Noyreg planet texture revamp. . . 4×106 (m)=10 (m/s2) Meaning the velocity at the surface would be 8000 (m/s)=2πrt=4×106 (m)t. 3 - Papa_Joe resumes maintenance. Smokescreen helps, but when we're talki. Any planet mod made after 1. DudeNamedShawn • 4 yr. The update features improved textures on Kerbin, Mun, Vall, Tylo, Sarnus, Eeloo, Tekto, Urlum and Neidon. 1) Pood's Milky Way Skybox (PoodsMilkyWaySkybox v. Sigma Dimensions. . Share your Kerbal Space Program craft, with automatic detection of mods, search by mod & craft attributes also i would recommend 8192*4096. 18) Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2. 0 International (CC 4. MechJeb 2. presumably these textures are fucking huge, so people with APU's and GPUs with low amounts of VRAM may still get stung. Smaller planets blurred some to avoid such a jarring transition to terrain textures. Search Planet Minecraft. In this video I use Kopernicus to create a planet in Kerbal Space Program. Nothing helps you learn better than messing around with the configs and textures of an existing planet pack. Download and extract the WindowShine mod and overwrite the KSPGameDataTextureReplacer folder with the WindowShineTR-v6GameDataTextureReplacer folder. Some textures. 077+ (compatibility with older scatterer and 1. 3 is pretty much excellently upwards compatible and has good chances of being downwards compatible. If you have a question regarding the license, please message me through the forums. These are lower quality and not all textures have a matching bump map, but you won't have to put custom textures in your mod. Telos overhaul. And I'm not 100% sure it works but give it a go! On the subject of older mods, if the mod has not been updated to 1. 2. Promotes cryofuel mods and planet pack to life support compatibility. This mods is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND. < 1 2 > Showing 1 - 15 of 22 comments Chibbity Oct 13, 2017 @ 4:35am SVE is updated:. ive also tried fiddling with the resolution. Scatterer. - Three new moons: Protorin, Glacia and Crysalis. Everything I found is unfortunately outdated and mostly incompatible with the current version of KSP. 6. 6. 1 with the latest versions of EVE (redux 1. Module Manager. 4. . mu you name, plus any textures assigned have been exported to the folder you selected on the previous step. KSP's most established colony/base mod, MKS provides a huge array of new gameplay systems and supporting parts to support the experience of designing, building, and maintaining interplanetary colonies in Kerbal Space Progam. It got off very badly (similar results to BK at the moment) because it was very poorly made with very bad textures. Those seeking a way to vent said creativity will be delighted to learn that, with the Kopernicus plugin's existence, it is now possible to modify the planetary system in Kerbal Space Program, allowing for new planets to be added and existing. The brightness produced by the stars has been corrected. Loving the new graphics for KSP on 1. Copy from [GPP Download]\GameData\ to [KSP]\GameData\ the folder GPP\ and all its contents. g. If your GPU is a few years old, it might result in FPS loss. This mod adds the real solar system to its kerbal space program, where its orbits, sizes, actual textures, real antenna sites and most real launch sites are added. The orbits of Sarnus, Urlum, Neidon and Plock are. x Waterfall [0. Version 3. Build i. Browse Servers Bedrock Servers Collections Time Machine. tga extension, of course). ​Javascript is disabled. 0838 for KSP 1. 0+. For over three years, MKS has been the definitive Colonization mod for KSP, with continued refinement of the parts. Module Manager. mods used: Real Solar System. Lithobrake Exploration Technologies (LET) (formerly LETech) MagiCore. All reactions. Video: KSP new texture for the planet Kerbin Watch on Chibbity Nov 19, 2017 @ 4:26pm. I'm looking for clouds for Kerbin and realistic cloud texture while in orbit. Forgot your password? Sign UpVR go brrrrrrrr. Colors and shades of the textures are tuned accordng to true-color photos made by Messenger, Viking and Cassini spacecrafts, and, of course, the Hubble Space Telescope. 2, ran it in x64 with no mods, and copied the content's of the ZIP archive from Galileo's Planet Pack ( GameData > GPP/Kopernicus/MFI/MM 2. Here are the config codes. png. When a planet is scanned from a stable, polar orbit all resources will be available for viewing, both in the stock planetary resource overlay, and on SCANsat maps. 1) KSPCasher Continued. An increased texture size would only affect the GPU, meaning it likely wouldn't impact performance at all. CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike. Visit the forum thread for texture packs, instructions and bug reports. No more cloud rim in scaled space. 12. 31) Dependencies (install these before Real Exoplanets): - Kopernicus - Module Manager - Modular Flight Integrator. 2. It actually is on CKAN but AFAIK it hasn't been updated since 1. 12, it can feel and look quite outdated at times. Galileo's Planet Pack. ModularFlightIntegrator. 12. Outer Planets Mod v2. June 24th, 2021 v1. I downloaded kopernicus BE and both parallax folders (there are 2, the parallax main and the stock planet textures), installed all of them and started the game, only to be greeted with a textureless and offset ground. DrawTexture (Rect, finalTexture); This will give a texture for Eve that has the right color and looks like it has some specular shader applied. 6) KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0. 12) Aviation Lights (AviationLights 1:v4. For us to "fly off the Earth", the centripetal force required to keep an orbit of the Earth's radius would have to be the same as the acceleration due to gravity. 11. #1. 7 or whatever so i started a new game. 1 - About. [deleted] KSC is a planetary feature that is called out in the relevant planet's config file. /texturefilename (/folder would be GameData/folder). 12. Galileo Planet Pack Help. Here are the config codes. 0. 1, heat sources include Kerbin's sun, re-entry and aerodynamic heating. Why it's the famous SVT, but without the textures that are dated and superseded by stock. Pre-rendered clouds. . Posted May 5, 2020. Avalon comes bundled with a mod to replace some of the Kerbal models i. Go to Settings. Parallax improves upon the stock shader in a number of ways, for example: * Normal mapped lighting is accurate and faces the right way on a surface at any angle * Tessellation allows surfaces to have much more complexity, allowing for the creation of lifelike planet surfaces * Texture blending is a much smoother transition and varies based on. Low, medium and high quality terrain shaders. (Almost) Real Solar System is kerbalized version of Real Solar System. You need Unity Asset Explorer to search for them and extract the textures out of it, which you can then edit. 4 for RSS v18. 5 Feb 20, 2022 - Corrected pink square by changing an incorrect shader path for "Particles/Additive. Dependency: Outer Planets Mod. New textures for Janus to match it with Gateway's overhaul;. 0 - Textures for RSS v13. Rover on mun, blurry textures when moving turning. Generating realistic planet surfaces and moons. Installed Kopernicus, installed parallax into the game data folder, unpack stocktextures and merged it with the scatter textures, but when I load KSP. 1. This mod adds the planet Frigus between Duna and Dres. SCANsat. This is frequently placed in a bracket . Interstellar Adventure: Adds a star, 2 gas giants, a planet and a comet. PlanetShine. Update for KSP 1. Creating Your Own Planets. Grab a mod that starts you in a different home system, and have a look at the config file for the home world, it will be laid out there. Revamped Jool, giving it a new animated shader and high resolution textures. Get Parallax - Stock Planet Textures from CKAN Get RealSolarSystem from parallax branch on github (you already did this) Community Terrain Texture Pack v1. Many textures are from the RSS-Textures repository licensed CC-BY-NC-SA by the KSP-RO team and were modified by the KSRSS Team. Solver Engines plugin. TextureReplacer is a plugin for Kerbal Space Program that allows you to replace stock textures and customise your Kerbals. Realistic Jool with 7 different 8K texture layers. But the new KSP 1. Bodies have updated textures with improved mipmaps and normals. I am really looking forward to seeing atmosphere, ocean, and gas giant generation soon (not necessarily rings, those are overrated) as well as. Probe Control Room Recontrolled. Updated geometry and textures for the MK1 "Peregrine" Updates to textures and geometry for the Mk1 "Raven" Fixed texture seams on the R. Some of them look really good. You can change the skybox (background stars) and use HD planet textures. v13. If you do install it, I'd recommend deleting the stock planet cloud config file, or going into the . KSP Renaissance Compilation has great high-def planet textures. Kerbal Network. I just looked into it. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that. Memory usage should be reduced significantly. It's to the point that going back is like playing Pong on Colecovision. 4] Freedom's Procedural Parts Textures [1. This version of Outer Planets Mod has been built to work for KSP version 1. 3 version from CKAN. I want a mod that ONLY adds planet textures of a higher detail, for all altitudes. The textures simply need to be moved into the MPE>MPE_Textures>PluginData folder within the mod, and the Config into the KopConfigs folder. 6 -- This is the main program and will be placed it in your GameData folder as the Parallax directory. For over three years, MKS has been the definitive Colonization mod for KSP, with continued refinement of the parts. ) Not exactly a bug, but worth mentioning: The Kopernicus_Config. 3. KSP Dark. No coding, no software development, just the creative side exclusively. Kerbal Engineer Redux, The Near Future Pack, and Environmental Visual Enhancements are probably your best bets out of the 39 options considered. png . Making the textures appear where you want Texture application. Welcome to the development thread for the Precursors Planet Pack! This thread is very old and outdated. As you get closer this fades away and the actual terrain relief appears. This is a set of textures to be used with Kopernicus to help modders create high quality, immersive terrain for their planet pack. You could very easily save a low res texture for each planet and use the pixel information to place high res decals or meshes when the player reaches a certain distance from the point. This would be of the order v2 (m2/s2)6. as you can see, the background sky is also screwed up. 1 however i got a problem. Edit the file only with the game exited, please. Textures are simply . 11 August 1st 2020 v1. 0 International (CC 4. Parallax - Stock Planet Textures 2. Thanks! Proper credit has been given to mods and textures not created by me. . This filder used to contain a bunch of DDS files, such as beach. Also city lights. Edit: Beyond Home is now also updated. Updated Eve(the planet) and Huygen to finally have collisions Small config changes to Duna,Eve,Gilly Thats all, custom textures may take a while, internship took up the last 5 weeks of my free time and I haven´t worked on them one bit, work also takes up a lot of time hope you guys understand. @KERBALINA what is the resolution of the RSS texture pack that you have installed? 8K is the maximum resolution offered by RSS. 2. 1. That's with Astronomer's Visual Pack (8k textures), Scatterer, EVE, and TuFX running as well. The other planet textures look no different from the flat diffuse map. EVE-Redux. png/. Textures Unlimited The Textures Unlimited addon brings the Unity 5 Standard shader functions to KSP along with a suite of utilities for loading shader and model asset bundles, and a host of shader and. But anyway you. Dev is currently experimenting with scattering of objects and bringing back high detailed collisions) *Waterfall (new way to render engine exhausts and looks 100x better than native) *Restock (updates the textures of most stock parts to match better which each other and look less cartoony like some of the old parts tend to do) *TUFX (adds post. Replaces the Spaceflight Simulator 1. Stock Planet Textures (Parallax-StockTextures 2. Drop the "GameData" folder inside the archive into your KSP installation. 2 - 2020-7-07. However, this method may break mods that depend on the stock assets. 4. I'm doing some filming using KSP as my platform to create 3D visuals for an educational video project. 0, courtesy. Truly, a piece of art. Sprool Jun 2, 2017 @ 8:24am. x-1. Procedural Gas Giant Planet Textures. Those seeking a way to vent said creativity will be delighted to learn that, with the. *. Well, DXT 5 is correct for some of them. You can replace Jool's texture with one of the one's I've provided if you have Texture Replacer; or, if you use a mod like Planet Factory, RSS, Kopernikus, you can use the textures to create your own unique planets. It can also save your textures into DDS format. Using the Real Solar System mod, you can configure the planets however. Some cloud and noise textures in EVE_Textures are created by themaster401 and Asternomer, in Astronomer's Visual Pack, under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. 1 however i got a problem. SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin. 8. StageRecovery. Clouds and City Lights (for textures for the planets with atmospheres) . Distant Object Enhancement /L is a visual enhancement mod that makes objects realistically visible over large distances. If you want to, you can verify the installation by. Gol overhaul. first make a copy of the file. Download GPP_Textures. dds/. assets files. Then, click 'planet selection' and select your planet. Its a game where you design and fly little green frogs from the planet Kerbin into space. The following planets have been added: Eden, Sehera, Phoenix, Sunflower, Aelion, Mann's Planet and Miller's Planet. . 16K textures are from VaNnadin's 16K RSS texture pack (CC-BY-NC-SA 4. 🔖 KSP 1. 04 Add a planet: Iomena, a rocky planet with oceans and large craters. This step is easy: at the end of every 'texture-filepath', add what format it is: . 5 to benefit from the optimizations and improvements Parallax 2 brings. Endraxial's planet textures are good you can find them in the texture replacer thread. 4. Search Planet Minecraft. The normal texture just gives the planet some fake depth while in the map view or at great distances. At low altitudes when the textures are higher res, the planets surface flicker, its quite distracting and i never had this problem before i cant really find any other posts describing the same issue. , but the. That would be science worth finding out. Any planet mod made after 1. . ) A new logo courtesy Kopernicus discord and KSP forum user @JadeOfMaar. These are to a much higher resolution than terrain and are also able to be interacted with. Kerbin and Kerbol's names are kept as in the stock system to avoid glitches. Probe Control Room Recontrolled. Replaces the Spaceflight Simulator 1. jpg/. If you don't want to download the whole game again delete everything but KSP_x64_Data (This folder contains models and textures, mostly) and then verify. Planet Factory (for the extra planets to configure, and rings for Saturn) . Major changes to biomes on earth and moon, simplification and clean up of all other bodies. The Odysseus Planet Pack originally made by thomas988. 99 but spacedock won't let me put multiple KSP versions as the KSP version for one release. This has been happening for a while but it is hard to capture a "flicker" in a screenshot. KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPInterstellarExtended 1. Arguably then you are looking for either 'Stock Visual Terrain's or 'Kerbal Space Program Renaissance Compilation's. 0). 6. Also note the relatively new "UVNoise" setting, which allows adding noise to the texture look-ups, either for large animated cloud effects (see Jool), or to mask pixelization in fine detail (see Kerbin). Quadtrees are most often used to partition a two-dimensional space by recursively subdividing it into four quadrants or regions. 2. I would like to know if I'm doing something wrong, or am I just using the wrong thing. 0 (December 26th, 2016) - Compatibility with KSP 1. Renamed a duplicated shader "KSP/Particles/Alpha Blended" to now have one named that and another named "KSP/Particles/Alpha Blended Scenery". It lasts 40 years and is 100% biodegradable. Registered. All. If you have the machine to run them, I'd recommend Environmental Visual Enhancements (with Stock Visual Enhancements), Scatterer, Waterfall (with Stock Waterfall Effects) and Planet Shine. With more than 10 years since the release of Kerbal Space Program, the game has certainly stood the test of time. It will glue this texture over the templated planet. 0). When getting. AVP-Textures v1. X. Both programs can easily generate cloud patterns. First, go to the desired planet and press shift+f2 this will open a menu with all of the perimeters for the planets, at the top there will be a button that says "export textures" click it and another menu will pop up asking about the perimeters of the texture, tweak to your liking and click export. 4 with updated unity particles is already very good. This is frequently placed in a bracket . This reduces the memory footprint of installing this mod by unloading models and textures that are not required. It actually is on CKAN but AFAIK it hasn't been updated since 1. TO INSTALL: Begin with an installation of KSP version 1. They're just little bits and bobs here. Near Future Launch Vehicles. 2. 4. Real Exoplanets (REX) is planet pack that adds several confirmed exoplanets into KSP. 6 (September 12, 2018). 0. dds files. Chatterer is a mod that adds random radio noises and beeps between your craft and mission. Most textures are 1024 x 1024 and you can simply create a png file in Paint with dimensions 1024 x 1024 . 1. Removed an old and unused Earth cloud main texture. TextureReplacer has no such issues plus it has many other cool features. Note: for this step you can use built-in textures from the game or use your own custom textures. Don't install 1. 1) and scatterer (0. png . Include both color (alpha channel for specularity) and normal maps. NVIDIA Texture Tools for Photoshop: Spherical Mapping Corrector Richard Rosenman Windows, Mac This is a plugin for Photoshop that distorts the texture map using spherical mapping correction, making it possible to minimize and even compensate for the polar distortion. 0, if installed). KSP 1. 3 -Recompiled for KSP 1. I just downloaded the Environmental Enhancement mod and now I'm looking for HD textures for the planets. It is a one stop shop for gravity assists and science farming, it has all levels of the stock shader integrated Its Icy blue texture and giant SOI make it a kerbal's choice for a challenge It has 0. 2). tga extension, of course). "Kopernicus. ), and clouds for OPM. Step 11 - Preliminary configurationHi! Thank you for posting to KerbalAcademy. April 2, 2014 in KSP1 Mods Discussions. This means you are tessellating the ground many times. CKAN is an open-source, community-supported mod manager. png. Though KSP’s mod community has moved around a lot: for a while it was. Mimas, Tethys and Dione heightmaps by Kexitt based on these models. A planet mod for Kerbal Space Program. 5. It’s basically the base for anything related to textures in the KSP. Note that there is one section of the config that places the buildings, and a separate one that gives. Procedural Parts allows you to procedurally generate a number of different parts in a range of sizes and shapes. Oinker's Endraxial Planet Pack Reduced - dropbox link (mipmapped - for her pleasure) Endraxial's planets (some by proot) reduced. 1. Snow on Kerbin, Duna, and Laythe's poles. Description. This version uses a few more. 2 game:[game]v13. g. 0. assets files. I havent played since 1. assets files.